The 5 “P”s to Success

In July of 2011 (54yrs old / 5’10/ 360lbs) I went to order a new suit and the clerk told me that he would need to order a 60 portly. With great disgust I knew I had had enough.

After 30 years of yo-yo dieting, I knew a change of life was in order. I studied healthy eating and began to walk daily. Several months into this new life I discovered the keys to success, protein (lean), patience, preparation, persistence and perspiration.

Whey protein was vitally important for it gave me the greatest fullness per calorie. Preparation, keeping the right foods available at all times. Patience and persistence, because the plateau thing is absolutely true! (It will break, be patient.) Perspiration, as exercise not only burns calories but gives a sense of accomplishment and well-being. After a year, I had lost 100lbs. and wondered if I could run. I had always admired runners especially a former boss who was a triathelete. One morning I did it! Two miles without stopping, I was hooked. In my 2nd year I have dropped an additional 65 lbs. My run times went from 12.5 minute/ mile in my 1st 5k to a recent 10k in 60 minutes! I hope this inspires others. I would be more than happy to help anyone. P.S Don’t get attached to your favorite clothes. No doubt, I should be Goodwill’s donor of the year!

-Mark Tondee

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